Friday, February 18, 2011


We Fight For Jobs For All, Education For All And Empowerment Of Youth
DYFI was formed on 3rd November 1980 from it's inaugural conference held at Saheed Kartar Singh Saraba Village, Ludhiana, Punjab from 31st October to 3rd November.
DYFI stands for Communal harmony.
Constitutional approval of right to job.
DYFI demands Job for all.
Education for all.
Proper implementation of self employment projects.
DYFI opposes
Anti-democracy and sectarian movements.
Anti-people economic policies guided by IMF-WB-WTO.
Imperialist aggression over third war.
DYFI fights for
Scientific socialism.
To identify the various problems concerning youth and to take proper and timely decisions and measures to resolve them.
To organise the youth from all progressive and democratic sections of the people under the banner of the DYFI and to make special efforts to draw and encourage the active participation of young women.
To organise and conduct the struggle against the menace of unemployment and to fight for employment or un-employment relief till employment. To conduct propaganda and agitation for the inclusion of the right to work in the list of fundamental rights of the Indian Constitution.
To take up and highlight the issues and problems concerning the youth, especially in the field of education, culture and sports. To organise cultural and sports activities through clubs, gymnasiums, akharas, literary and cultural societies and to conduct debates discussions, seminars, symposia and cultural programs. To encourage youth participation in sports, literary and cultural activities by organising tournaments and competitions. To fight against all obscurantist ideas and decadent culture.
To conduct night schools and adult education camps, to fight against illiteracy and for the introduction of universal free and compulsory education upto the secondary stage.
To strive to unite all the secular and democratic forces against conservatism, casteism, communalism, separatism, parochialism and authoritarianism, and in defense of secularism, democracy and national integrity.
To initiate and conduct a sustained campaign against evils of untouchability, dowry system, child marriage, religious superstition, corruption in public life and other such evils that are plaguing our society.
To work for prompt and active participation in relief and rehabilitation programs during natural calamities, accidents and epidemics etc, and to mobilise and cooperate with all other youth organisations for relief and rehabilitation work.
To encourage youth to support and participate in all the democratic movements of the people: workers, peasants, middle classes, students and all other progressive and forward-looking strata of our country. To actively support the struggle against predatory foreign capital, Indian monopoly capital and the feudal and semifeudal landlordism, and for the nationalisation of all key industries and for carrying out radical land reforms, assuring land to the tiller.
To strive to establish fraternal contacts and cooperation with all the youth organisations of the world which subscribe to the anti-imperialist, anti-apartheid, national liberation and peace struggles, movements and their ideals.
To undertake and encourage the different State units of the DYFI for the publication of journals, leaflets pamphlets and other literature in order to further the aims, objectives and activities of the DYFI.

മോര്‍ ഇന്‍ഫോ:

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